Handy farm apps


We have provided a listing of free farm apps which you may find useful.  Many of these were supported with funding from GRDC.


APVMA puts the database of Australian registered agricultural and veterinary chemical products in your hand with this free resource.

Australian CliMate

Australian CliMate is a free app that can help farmers with better decisions about their farming operations based on recent weather and likely climate probabilities.

Farmers can quickly interrogate the last 60 years of daily rainfall, temperature and radiation data for their location. Seasonal forecasts are provided based on current ENSO conditions.

The app also calculates heat sums and estimates soil water and soil nitrate accumulation.

SoilMapp for iPad

SoilMapp for iPad makes soil information accessible from your location. It enables users to:

  • learn about the likely soil types on their property
  • view maps, photographs, satellite images, tables and graphs of data about nearby soils
  • uncover their soil’s physical and chemical characteristics, including acidity (pH), soil carbon, available water storage, salinity and erodibility
  • get soil information to put into the farm computer model APSIM, a model that can help with management decisions on crops and project likely crop yields
  • access the app anywhere there is wireless or internet connection to their iPad.


MyCrop is an interactive tool that brings crop diagnostics to the paddock. It is a one stop shop to help you:

  • estimate whether you are reaching your wheat yield potential as determined by rainfall
  • identify your soil type and provide information about key soil issues
  • diagnose problems in your wheat crop and provide possible remedies